“The Seven Stages of Money Maturity” by George Kinder
 “The Energy of Money” by Maria Nemeth, Ph.D.

These two books are for those who want to take the next step in understanding their relationship with money.  Both are filled with helpful stories that illustrate people achieving breakthroughs around money in various stages of their lives.  They also contain useful exercises for the reader interested in a rigorous journey to create the relationship with money that they desire.

Suggested Reads

For us, the place where wealth meets well being includes balance. As we coach our clients and ourselves, we find many great mentors to learn from along the way. In this series you will find a collection of works by some of our mentors. The list includes many topics ranging from altering your money beliefs to the law of attraction with a little bit of inspirational cinema mixed in. We hope they make a difference for you as they have for us.