“Megatrends 2010” by Patricia Aburdene

“Megatrends 2010” by Patricia Aburdene
 Written in 2005, Megatrends 2010 predicts the rise of conscious capitalism. While many books of this era predict the spread of socially responsible investing, this one includes a focus on spirituality and how change is being...

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki
 This is a very well known book in the circles of financial advisors and people looking to achieve financial success. Kiyosaki uses his life story to illustrate how most people learn about money, getting an education and having a...

“The Soul of Money” by Lynne Twist

“The Soul of Money”  by Lynne Twist In the Soul of Money Lynne twist explores the human relationship with money and what it means to truly come from sufficiency and abundance rather than scarcity.  In the book she challenges some of the assumptions that western...